Overview FAQs

1. Can EPB provide pricing for both regulated and deregulated utilities/states?

Yes. EPB is able to calculate price estimates for both regulated and deregulated utilities/states.

2. Is EPB pricing contractible?

No. EPB calculates non-contractible, price estimates that are used as quick, accurate and detailed price benchmarks.

3. What is current day pricing vs historical pricing?

"Current day pricing" means pricing as of the current day the user submits a price request or a price refresh. "Historical pricing” means pricing for dates prior to the current day.

4. In deregulated states, does EPB compete against retail suppliers and brokers?

No. EPB provides price benchmark information helpful for any organization needing energy pricing    
(e.g., suppliers, buyers, brokers, etc.).

5. In deregulated states, does EPB represent actual pricing from retail suppliers?

No. Using its patent-pending pricing engine, EBP calculates non-contractible, price estimates
(current day and historical) from a single user-submitted price request, independent of retail suppliers.

6. Are meter data and utility rate classes required to calculate pricing?

No, neither interval/summary meter data nor utility rate classes are required. EPB's pricing engine is capable of calculating price estimates based on five simple user inputs, which eliminate the need for meter data and utility rate classes.

7. For what size facility can EPB estimate pricing?

Any size facility. EPB calculates estimated prices for facilities as small as 3,000 kWhs/year to as large as 4,000,000,000 kWhs/year (4 billion kWhs/year).

8. Does EPB pricing include a price range or a single price point?

Price Range. EPB pricing (current day and historical) includes a high, low and best price estimate, not a single price point.

9. What is included in EPB pricing?

For any utility, EPB pricing includes all applicable retail price components (e.g., supply, distribution/delivery, & taxes), where the specific name and number of components and subcomponents will vary by utility. In addition, all EPB users have access to detailed descriptions of what is included in each retail price component (e.g., supply, distribution/delivery, & taxes). Premium subscribers will also have access to retail price breakdowns at the subcomponent level for both current day and historical pricing.  See screenshot below.

10. In Deregulated markets, can EPB help me if I am pricing an index/pass-through supply product (not a fixed product)?

Yes. Although EPB prices an all-in fixed product for the Supply component, a price breakdown at the Supply subcomponent level (e.g., energy, capacity, RPS, ancillaries) is available to premium subscribers (see #9 above). These fixed price subcomponent benchmarks can be compared to index/pass-through pricing and used to evaluate which Supply subcomponents to hold fixed and which to vary/pass-through during the user-selected term.

11. Can EPB help me post-award?

Yes. EPB enables you to provide, with little to no effort, the following relevant, post-award information regardless of sourcing a fixed or index product:

  • Run “what-if” post sourcing scenarios (e.g., did supply price go up/down since awarding, what if waited to source, what if locked in earlier, what if locked in longer/shorter terms, etc.).
  • With EPB’s distribution/delivery price and tax estimates, provide ongoing total cost budget projections of these varying charges (which is needed even if you locked in a fixed supply contract).
  • If sourced index product, provide ongoing price breakdowns at the component level to enable bill review of varying pass through charges (energy, capacity, transmission, RPS, etc.).

12. How often is EPB pricing updated/refreshed and is this refresh automated?

Pricing is refreshed daily and is automated.

Once a Registered or Subscribed User saves and submits a price request, pricing (for that price request) is automatically refreshed/recalculated on a daily basis to reflect the latest utility and market data.

Note: For this automated price refresh to occur, the user must save and submit  the price request by selecting "Get Pricing," which initiates the system to autosave the inputs and output of a price request. Auto price refreshes will NOT occur if the user only saves, but does not submit, the price request (i.e., only selects "Save" and does not select "Get Pricing"). See screenshot below.

13. Why does auto refreshed pricing stop occurring for some of my price requests?

The auto price refresh (described in #12 above) applies to all "Active" price requests, wherein "Active" means the selected start month for the price request is still in the future and has not yet been entered or passed.

For example, if the start month is Jan 2020 and the current date is Dec 15, 2019, the price request is Active, and the system will auto refresh pricing on a daily basis for this (Active) price request.

If, however, the start month has been entered or is now in the past, the price request is flagged as "Inactive" and the system will no longer calculate refresh pricing for this (Inactive) price request. For example, if the start month is Jan 2020 and the current date is Jan 1, 2020, the price request is Inactive and refreshed pricing will no longer be calculated.

14. Is a Dashboard available that summarizes all saved price requests?

Yes, a Dashboard is available to Registered Users and Subscribed Users. The Dashboard enables users to view and manage all saved price requests.  The Dashboard auto-populates with saved price requests upon the user: (1) saving inputs to a price request (i.e., selecting "Save") or (2) submitting the price request for processing (i.e., selecting "Get Pricing").  In addition, the Dashboard lists both Active and Inactive price requests (described in #13 above). See screenshot below.


15. Can EPB estimate pricing for multiple facilities in a single price request?

Not yet, but users can manually calculate the volume of multiple facilities on their own, and then enter this summed volume into EPB to receive an aggregate price for the facilities.

Note: Estimation accuracy of this aggregate price will be impacted if the facilities do not have a similar energy load (i.e., similar facility profile).